Commercial locations

Tischlerei 1
Tischlerei 2

Commercial space and commercial properties

Radebeul's industrial estates have grown historically and are centred in the east and west of the city, where large-scale industrial estates in particular are located, including Arevipharna, Koenig & Bauer and ThyssenKrupp. In addition, there are several commercial locations in the city, including in the Radebeul-Mitte area and on Fabrikstraße in Radebeul-Kötzschenbroda. The focus here is on small and medium-sized companies. The expansion of the business-related infrastructure has created favourable conditions for existing companies and new settlements.

Contact us

Sachbereich Wirtschaft
Ansprechpartner: Herr Starick
Stadtverwaltung Radebeul
Pestalozzistraße 8
01445 Radebeul
0351 8311-910