City gallery

Karl May Fest 1
Kasperiade 1
Karl May Fest 2

City gallery

The Stadtgalerie was opened in 1982 as "Kleine Galerie" in Radebeul-Ost. Since 1997, it has been located on the historic village green of Altkötzschenbroda in a former three-sided courtyard. The two-storey gallery space presents changing exhibitions of painting, graphics, sculpture, photography, architecture, scenography, design and commercial art as well as interdisciplinary projects on an exhibition area of 100 m². The focus is on art from the region in the context of the Dresden cultural area. The inner courtyard area and the summer stage can be incorporated into multimedia exhibition projects.

The Stadtgalerie occupies a central position within the Radebeul art scene and contributes significantly to the popularisation of artistic heritage and contemporary art.

The Stadtgalerie has kept its own chronicle since 1982. The 2-part documentation in a handy format is available from the Cultural Office.

Contact us

Stadtgalerie Radebeul
Altkötzschenbroda 21
01445 Radebeul
0351 8311-625, -626

Dienstag, Mittwoch und Donnerstag 14.00 bis 18.00 Uhr
Sonntag: 13.00 bis 17.00 Uhr

Upcoming exhibitions:

01.06.2024 - 18.08.2024
Robert Sterl/Ernst Edler von Schuch
Baton and pencil

08.09.2024 - 20.10.2024
100 years of the town charter of Radebeul / 100 years of the town charter of Kötzschenbroda - art and history

17.11.2024 - 15.12.2024
Ingo Kuczera memorial exhibition


  • Treppen sind mit Handläufen ausgestattet.
  • Türbreite mindestens 90 cm.
  • Bei Bedarf ist eine (mobile) Rampe vorhanden - für das Erdgeschoss.
  • Mitarbeiter helfen auf Anfrage.
  • Toilette über 1 Stufe erreichbar.
  • Behindertenparkplätze: Nein
  • Verkehrsanbindung: Bus-Haltestelle Altkötzschenbroda - Linie 475