City archive

Historische Ansicht

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Genealogy, family trees, family relationships - family history research and genealogical research on the Internet

The Radebeul town archive is currently working on digitising documents from the former registry offices in Lößnitz, among other things. The so-called civil status records were created with the establishment of the registry offices in 1876 and contain all of a person's elementary data. They therefore form the basic documentation for genealogical information in individual cases as well as entire family contexts and thus also in a societal dimension.

What is the particular value of these sources?

The civil status records are the starting point for family researchers and questions about genealogical relationships, as they contain a lot of information and findings that are necessary to determine previous generations. They also provide valuable information for further research, such as other places, people or family members with whom the person being searched was connected.

The civil status records also provide meaningful clues for researching local and regional history, for example for topics in historical demographic and migration research as well as for social and medical history. In addition, conclusions can be drawn about marriage behaviour and the origin of the spouses. Last but not least, this source makes it possible to clearly trace the development of a community into a town or large city.

Below you can find detailed information on the broad field of family research or browse through the name indexes of the civil status records to your heart's content.

Please note that the documents of the municipal archive are not barrier-free as historical records.