Excursion destinations in the surrounding area

Restaurant im Sommer
Zitzschewig Fachwerkhäuser

Excursion destinations in the surrounding area

Variety on every day of your holiday - that's what Radebeul and the beautiful surroundings of the Saxon Elbland offer. Many sights await your visit or are a good alternative if it rains. Moritzburg Hunting Lodge is a popular excursion destination, as is, of course, the state capital Dresden. But the sandstone cliffs of Saxon Switzerland and the Ore Mountains are also well worth a visit.

Destination Worth seeing Accessibility/distance from Radebeul
Meissen State porcelain manufactory S-Bahn S1 / 15 km
Albrechtsburg Castle S-Bahn S1 / 15 km
Meissen Cathedral S-Bahn S1 / 15 km
Moritzburg Castle Moritzburg Castle Narrow-gauge railway / 10 km
Game reserve Narrow-gauge railway / 10 km
Moritzburg Adventure Park Narrow-gauge railway / 10 km
Coswig Karrasburg Museum Coswig S-Bahn S1, tram / 5 km
Dresden Church of Our Lady S-Bahn S1, tram/15 km
Old Masters Picture Gallery S-Bahn S1, tram/15 km
Green Vault S-Bahn S1, tram/15 km
Semper Opera House S-Bahn S1, tram/15 km
Transport Museum...and much more S-Bahn S1, tram/15 km
Rathen Felsenbühne - open-air theatre of the Landesbühnen Sachsen S-Bahn S1/30 km
Saxon Switzerland Romatically bizarre rock world of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains S-Bahn S1/30 km
Saxon steamboat trip Radebeul-West steamboat landing stage Uferstraße, tram line 4 stop Moritzburger Straße
