Kasperiade 2
Karl May Fest 1

Rising Star - An astronomical journey through South Africa

Rising Star takes you on an astronomical journey through South Africa and takes a look at what the future of astronomy holds for the country. As well as an introduction to multi-wavelength and multi-messenger astronomy, the many remarkable facilities in South Africa are presented along with some of their latest achievements. These include the 10-metre Southern African Large Telescope and the Southern Hemisphere's most powerful radio telescope, MeerKAT. The aims are to excite viewers from around the world about South African astronomy while inspiring the next generation of astronomers.

Notes on ticket reservation:
Reservations are binding. Tickets that are not required can be cancelled by sending a short cancellation to .
Your name will be stored with the reservation. A printout of the reservation confirmation is therefore not necessary.

Ticket price:

Admission price: Adults €8.00 Concessions: €5.00
Children up to the age of 18, schoolchildren, trainees, students and severely disabled persons are entitled to a discount.

Tickets must be paid for on site.
The following payment methods are possible:
- Credit card
- EC card
- Cash



Sternwarte und Planetarium Radebeul,
Auf den Ebenbergen 10a
01445 Radebeul


Volkssternwarte Adolph Diesterweg Radebeul

Auf den Ebenbergen 10a

01445 Radebeul

+49 351 8305905

+49 351 8305906
