Kasperiade 2
Karl May Fest 1

Matthias Grünewald (around 1480-around 1530)


Little is known about Mathis Neithart, from around 1505 Mathis Gothart and later incorrectly called Matthias Grünewald, due to a lack of documents. The meeting with Albrecht Dürer around 1503 in Nuremberg, for example, is still an assumption. What is certain, however, is that Grünewald became court painter to Archbishop Uriel von Gremmingen in Aschaffenburg in 1509 and took over the remodelling of the castle there. He was also commissioned to paint four wings in grisaille for Dürer's large altarpiece of the "Ascension of the Virgin". Grünewald became famous, however, when he was commissioned by the Italian abbot Guido Guersi to paint the Isenheim Altarpiece in 1510-1512, whose visionary expressiveness made it a unique work of art. The "Stuppacher Madonna" for the Maria Schnee Chapel in Aschaffenburg is also an outstanding example of the German mystical imagination. Cardinal Albrecht von Brandenburg, Archbishop of Mainz and Magdeburg, appointed Grünewald to his service in 1516, who immortalised his patron in the Erasmus Mauritius Altarpiece for the cathedral in Halle, created in 1520. In 1525/26, Grünewald lost his position as court painter due to his involvement in the Peasants' War and his sympathies for the Reformation. He fled to Lutheran Frankfurt and went to Halle in 1527 as a municipal "watercolourist". According to more recent research, Grünewald was reported as deceased to the city of Halle an der Saale on 1 September 1528 on the basis of written evidence.


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Sidonienstraße 1c
01445 Radebeul


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