Kasperiade 2
Karl May Fest 1

Last calls of extinct species

Composition by Hans-Peter Preu for choir, piano and guitar - world premiere

Cantata on the future of living beings on this planet and that of humans as part of the alarmingly dwindling biodiversity

"Reducing the current rate of species loss due to human impact and require difficult choices. But our species has an unparalleled ability to seek and learn answers to difficult questions. (...) The simple fact that public interest in extinction and biodiversity issues has never been higher can only be seen as an encouraging sign."
Normen MacLeod, Species are dying, Darmstadt 2016

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Landesbühnen Sachsen - Hauptbühne,
Meißner Str. 152
01445 Radebeul


Landesbühnen Sachsen

Meißner Straße 152

01445 Radebeul

+49 351 8954214

+49 351 8954201
