Kasperiade 2
Karl May Fest 1

Just one day

By Martin Baltscheit

Wild boar and fox observe the birth of a mayfly and immediately fall in love with it. She is so "sweet"! To forget the mayfly's fate, they decide to play the happiest day of their lives. What does great happiness involve? What is a must-have experience? Wild boar, fox and mayfly try school, test out getting married and experience being parents. In the process, they experience one thing above all: the happiness of friendship.
In a wonderfully light and humorous way, Baltscheit explores the philosophical questions of our lives: Is there always enough time to be happy? What should you definitely experience before it comes to an end? And what is an inevitable part of life? Training carnivorous plants or learning maths? Getting married or eating chickens? Having children or celebrating birthdays? The three friends experience everything and much more.
from 6 years

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Landesbühnen Sachsen - Studiobühne,
Meißner Str. 152
01445 Radebeul


Landesbühnen Sachsen

Meißner Straße 152

01445 Radebeul

+49 351 8954214

+49 351 8954201
