Kasperiade 2
Karl May Fest 1

Holiday cinema for schoolchildren: "Winski and the invisibility powder"

Feature film 2021 / 81 min / BJF Recommended for P8+
A small town is plagued by a series of burglaries and the police seem powerless to stop them. Then ten-year-old Winski meets an old pharmacist. He thinks the town needs a hero like Winski and gives him an invisibility powder. Equipped with this, he goes on a burglar hunt - but he is anything but a hero.

Event organised by the Kulturverein der Stadtbibliothek Radebeul e.V.Admission € 1.50. Please book by telephone: 0351 8305232 or

Calendar entry



Stadtbibliothek Ost,
Sidonienstr. 1c
01445 Radebeul


Kulturverein Stadtbibliothek e.V.

Sidonienstraße 1

01445 Radebeul

+49 351 8305232

+49 351 83006430
