Kasperiade 2
Karl May Fest 1

Birth preparation - weekend course

An offer from Anna-Maria Richter.
The course gives parents-to-be the opportunity to get in the mood for the time surrounding the birth and the birth itself through knowledge transfer, bodywork in the form of breathing and relaxation exercises and discussions. Key topics for the last few weeks of pregnancy include choosing a place to give birth, ways to prepare the body for labour and signals for the start of labour. It is demonstrated how the baby copes with the birth process, how the woman giving birth can deal with the contractions and how her partner can support her. The first time after the birth with the bonding phase as the beginning of the postnatal period, the major topic of breastfeeding and the role changes due to becoming a family also have their place in this course. Each course is individually tailored to the questions and needs of the participants, so that the range of topics usually varies.
The course is intended for both parents-to-be and is designed in such a way that, with the exception of one time slot, all appointments are organised jointly for the couples by the midwife. For the fathers-to-be, Tobias Bohnet from the Männeretzwerk Dresden e.V. (Men's Network Dresden) will lead the course on topics such as: "My role as a man at birth?", "Modern, new and active fathers, what does that mean?" and "How do I combine family, partnership and gainful employment? And where do I stay in the process?" This space is open for questions, joys and worries of expectant fathers. Pregnant women can use this time to focus on women-centred topics with the midwife.
Fri, 17.11.23, 8am-4pm, Sat, 18.11.23, 10am-4pm, Sun, 19.11.23, 9am-3pm

For pregnant women, the costs are covered by statutory health insurance. 140,- € partner fee.
Anna-Maria Richter
Information and registration:
, SMS via 0173/793 80 33


For pregnant women, the costs are covered by statutory health insurance. 140,- € partner fee.



Altkötzschenbroda 20
01445 Radebeul


Familienzentrum Radebeul

Altkötzschenbroda 20

01445 Radebeul

+49 351 839730

+49 351 8397325
