Kasperiade 2
Karl May Fest 1

16th FilmClub Mobile /Short film night

Admission: 19:00
Start: 20:00
: Short film night

Pre-booking is requested due to capacity: 0160-1038663

Club Mobil:
You won't find a conventional cinema in the town of Lößnitz. Of the four cinemas that once existed in Radebeul - a town of just under 34,000 inhabitants - not a single one still exists. The last screening took place in the "Union" theatre (pictured), affectionately known as the "Flea Box", in 1993. All previous attempts to re-establish a theatre in Radebeul have failed. instead, the "Literaturkino" and "Traumfabrik" series were launched in Radebeul, which have met with a great response from film-loving audiences. The "Cineasten" are also involved in the cultural sector and launched the new "Club Mobil" event series in 2022. Associations and institutions in the city as well as private cultural activists had signalled their interest as co-organisers and are now providing venues for performances and discussions at changing locations.


Free admission, donations are requested!



Meißner Straße 21
01445 Radebeul


Radebeuler Kultur e.V.

01445 Radebeul
