Sub-regional framework plans and concepts

Stadtansicht 4

Sub-regional framework plans and concepts

Urban development framework plans are an informal planning instrument for exploring the development potential of a neighbourhood or a defined sub-area within an urban area and presenting perspectives for its future use and design.

The urban development framework plan provides the "framework" for the future development of a district or neighbourhood. In the case of the "Fabrikstraße" framework plan, this serves to concretise planning statements and is intended to clarify and facilitate the subsequent implementation of development plans and other measures in the overall urban development context.

The overarching approach in the form of framework planning is an important aid to action and orientation, particularly in the development of existing areas far from "greenfield sites" with their established utilisation structures, potentials and conflicts. The area around Fabrikstrasse is characterised by a partly historically outdated coexistence of residential and commercial areas. The mutual impairment of both residential use through emissions and the limited development opportunities for commercial use are problematic. There are also brownfield sites that could be utilised as urban development potential and for which a viable development perspective and an urban development-compatible usage structure must be identified.

We must not close our eyes to the need for action in urban development. The aim is to show the qualities and needs of the existing uses in a holistic study, identify problem areas and develop a sustainable strategy, taking all interests into account.