Laws and forms

Stadtansicht 1


This is a possibility for you to call up the current legal text directly on the pages of the Saxon State Government.

Saxon state law
(Here you will find the Saxon Neighbourhood Law (SächsNRG) and much more under the heading "Bauen")

>> Saxon Building Code (SächsBO)
>> Saxon Building Code Implementation Ordinance (DVOSächsBO)

>> Federal law
(Here you will find, among other things, the Building Code (BauGB), the Land Utilisation Ordinance (BauNVO) and much more)


You can find all the important forms to download on the pages of the building supervision department.

You will need the following forms for a building application or an application for a change of use:

  • Building application according to § 68 of the Saxon Building Code
  • Building description
  • Written part of the site plan
  • Declaration of the structural engineer
  • Declaration of consent from the neighbour
  • Statistical survey form (to be completed directly on the website of the State Statistical Office at

You will need the forms listed below to erect an advertising system:

  • Building application for the erection of an advertising system
  • Declaration of the structural engineer
  • Written part of the site plan

You will need the following forms for an application for a preliminary decision:

  • Application for preliminary decision
  • Written part of the site plan

You will need the following forms for an exemption from authorisation if a development plan exists:

  • Submission for exemption from authorisation
  • Written part of the site plan
  • Declaration of the structural engineer
  • Statistical survey form (to be completed directly on the website of the State Statistical Office at

If you wish to remove a notifiable structure, you will need the following form:

  • Notification of the removal of structures
  • Statistical survey form (to be completed directly on the website of the State Statistical Office at

If you wish to erect a temporary structure and report this here, you will need the following form:

  • Notification of the erection of temporary structures

In addition to these forms, further applications with corresponding forms may also be required from other areas of law, for example due to legal requirements for renovation or monument protection.