Slider Karl May Festtage Radebeul
© Stadtverwaltung Radebeul

Save the date: 30. Mai bis 1. Juni 2025

Star rider camp

Sternreitercamp - Radebeuler Karl May Fest
© 2017 André Wirsig

In Radebeul Wahnsdorf, the Sternreitercamp is organised every year to mark the Karl May Festival. Riders and horse lovers from all over Germany meet here to get to know like-minded people, exchange ideas, ride out together or compete against each other in tournaments.

Registration for the star ride and the star rider camp

Proof of route for the star ride

Tournament announcement

Important information for star riders

  • Star riders are those who come to Radebeul on horseback from their home town and arrive at the star riders' camp on the festival weekend (Thursday morning at the earliest, Sunday morning at the latest) with a valid proof of route.
  • An area of approx. 50 m² per horse and rider will be provided in the camp. You can stay overnight in your own tent or caravan.
  • The camp fee is €15 per day per horse with rider and tent and €15 per day per guest, car, caravan/mobile home and trailer.
  • The camp fee includes a tent token, a parking ticket and free entry to the festival grounds on all days of the event.
  • Arrival at the Sternreitercamp is only possible from Thursday, 9 May 2024 from 9.00 a.m. and after briefing by the site manager. Independent stabling of the paddocks is not permitted before this date!
  • Only star riders / participants are permitted to stay overnight in the camp.
  • Every star rider must have valid liability insurance for his horse and carry a valid equine passport with full proof of vaccination. This must be presented on arrival at the registration office.
  • The place of origin of the animals must be free of notifiable and controllable animal diseases.
  • All horses require valid vaccinations against tetanus and influenza.
  • The carriage of stallions is strictly prohibited.
  • The use of emergency generators in the star rider camp is not permitted.
  • Riding and leading horses is prohibited on the festival grounds during the event! Exceptions are regulated by contract.
  • Registration for the trotting tournament and riding games will take place on Friday, 10 May between 5.00 pm and 7.00 pm at the moderator's hut.
  • The meeting point for the parade of star riders is 10.00 a.m. on Sunday morning. Children under the age of 6 and dogs are not allowed to take part in the parade.