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Nationwide warning day on 12 September 2024


On Thursday, 12 September 2024, the nationwide warning day will once again take place, in which the district of Meißen will also participate. On this day of action, the federal and state governments as well as the participating districts, independent cities and municipalities will test their warning tools in a joint exercise.

From 11 a.m. on this day, a test warning in the form of a warning text will be sent to all warning multipliers connected to the Modular Warning System (MoWaS for short) of the federal government, for example radio stations and app servers. The warning multipliers send the test warning with a time delay to various warning devices such as televisions, radios and smartphones. The "Cell Broadcasting" (CB) warning channel is also being tested again. This is a warning message transmitted via mobile phone networks.

In the case of the district of Meißen, over 200 sirens and the citizen information and warning app (BIWAPP) are also being tested. The crisis communication kits are also being tested.

The all-clear is given at around 11.45 a.m. via all warning devices and end devices via which the warning was previously sent. The all-clear is currently only sent via cell broadcast.

The purpose of the warning day is to check the communication structures that have been set up in the event of a disaster and to sensitise the population to the signals commonly used for warning and all-clear. The Warning Day is a deliberate stress test for the warning infrastructure in Germany. The warning systems work reliably in everyday life. However, a test under special conditions is necessary for the testing and further development of the warning system. The Warning Day is therefore specifically intended to help identify potential for optimisation.

At the same time, the aim is to sensitise the population to take precautions for emergencies. More information is available at and on the website