Kasperiade 2
Karl May Fest 1

"Schlagersüßtafel-Revue"- We were the wild East with Alf Mahlo & Henriette Ehrlich

The Schlagersüßtafel revue

"We were the wild east!"

With Henriette Ehrlich & Alf Mahlo

Moderation: Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler

The Schlager sweet table revue, the heartiest of all Schlager parades... with the most dazzling scenes from Kessel Buntes... to Tele Lotto!

No, our GDR was no pony farm!

It was a "haven" full of longing with a view of the wide, wide world! But it was the home of our youth, our great simplicity, where no one could reach, where no one had to understand. Between hearty renitence and a high level of education, that was "we" and remains the unshakeable fantasists from an enraptured time.

We will celebrate it... until the last of us leaves.

Let's remember wild parties from Rügen to Suhl, improvised with the bare necessities, rampant, loud... crazy!

Is it an Ostalgie...?

Is it longing...?

"East" is not just a point of the compass...

"East" is a way of life, a philosophy, a CULT!

The SCHLAGERSÜßTAFEL-REVUE, a journey through the world of the East stars and our guests with bell bottoms and perms, with heart-rending songs and marvellously danced tinsel, which will strain your very best laughter muscles. We present, parody and shine with perfect form and shrillness...

And almost everyone knows the words!

Songs & ballads from Herbert Roth to Tamara Dantz, the Phudys, Frank Schöbel, Hauf & Henkler... and Sag mir, wo Du stehst! ... spice up the sweetest of all Schlager revues - the SCHLAGER-SÜßTAFEL-REVUE.

With longing & a lot of HEART ...

Don't forget your scarf: "Friendship!"

Person: Dinner theatre ticket price: 65

Calendar entry


Kleines Welttheater,
Altkötzschenbroda 26
01445 Radebeul
16.11.2024: 17:00
17.11.2024: 22:00


Kleines Welttheater

Altkötzschenbroda 26

01445 Radebeul

0351 32 33 73 93
