
Historische Ansicht


Year Event
around 2000 BC There are first traces of settlement in the Lößnitz area from the Neolithic period.
around 600 AD. Slavic Sorbs colonise the Lößnitz.
929 Meissen Castle is built as the main base for German expansion to the east and Christianisation.
12th cent. German colonists are established in the Elbe Valley, new villages are built, some in place of Sorbian settlements
1144 First documentary mention of Naundorf.
1226 First mention of Kötzschenbroda.
1271 Viticulture is already practised near Kötzschenbroda.
1273 There is a church in Kötzschenbroda.
1286 The landscape name Lößnitz is first documented in our area.
1287 First documented mention of the village of Lindenau.
1315 First documented mention of the village of Serkowitz.
1337 There is an inn in Serkowitz.
1349 First documented mention of the village of Radebeul. There is an inn in Naundorf.
1350 First documentary mention of Wahnsdorf.
1366 First documentary mention of the village of Zitzschewig.
1401 The Wettin family acquires vineyard property in Lößnitz.
1429 In September, the Lößnitz villages are devastated by the Hussites.
1463 Kötzschenbroda acquires four desolate hooves of land in the southern Friedewald forest near Lindenau ("Lindenauer Büsche") from Elector Frederick the Gentle, which later develops into Kötzschenbroda Oberort.
1486 There is a smithy in Kötzschenbroda, the first documented craft business in Lößnitz.
1497 The so-called "Thanneberger Rügen" for Kötzschenbroda, named after the presumed scribe, Johann Thanneberg, are set down in writing. They are the oldest surviving village regulations in Lößnitz.
1525 There is an inn in Zitzschewig.
1547 During the Schmalkaldic War, Kötzschenbroda is plundered by the troops of the Ernestine Elector Johann Friedrich of Saxony.
1555 First mention of the village of Fürstenhain, which was established after 1540 on part of the dissolved Kötzschenbroda outworks.
1598 A major fire on 1 July destroys 70 farmsteads in Kötzschenbroda, including cattle sheds and barns as well as the rectory, school, clerk's office and baths. The bells in the church tower melt.
1618-1648 Thirty Years' War.
1626 Severe year of plague.
1627 A major fire in Radebeul on 25 March burns down all the buildings except for a barn.
1632/33 Severe years of plague.
1634 A seal is caught in the Elbe near Kötzschenbroda.
1637 On 14 March, Kötzschenbroda is completely burnt down by Swedish troops.
1639 First mention of the Lindenau inn.
1645 On 27 August, the armistice treaty between Electoral Saxony and Sweden in the Thirty Years' War is signed in the Kötzschenbroda vicarage.
1648 - 1650 The Hoflößnitz manor house is built by order of Elector Johann Georg I.
1652 First mention of the Wahnsdorf inn.
1655 A flood on the Elbe caused by a sudden thaw (6/8 February) rises above the Kötzschenbroda churchyard wall.
1672 A fire breaks out in the Niederschenke and destroys 55 farms in Kötzschenbroda on 27 April. A fire caused by lightning destroys 16 properties in Serkowitz on 27 June.
1679/80 Severe years of plague.
1687 Elector Johann Georg III authorises Kötzschenbroda to hold a second fair and two cattle markets.
1724 On 22 January, a major fire destroys 48 houses in Kötzschenbroda.
1727 - 1729 Construction of the baroque Wackerbarths Ruhe country estate on Naundorf land.
1747 The entire winter side of Kötzschenbroda with 35 farms is destroyed by fire on 14 March.
1748 A damaging fire in Naundorf destroys almost half of the village in three hours on 14 May.
1756 - 1763 Seven Years' War.
1760 On 11 June, the Prussian army under King Frederick II crosses the Elbe at Serkowitz before the siege of Dresden.
1772 A fire destroys eleven farmsteads in Naundorf on 29 January.
1774 On 29 March, 30 buildings in Kötzschenbroda are destroyed in a fire that breaks out in the Niederschenke tavern.
1775 First news of potato cultivation in Lößnitz.
1782 The village of Radebeul burns to the ground.
1783 Construction of the first school building in Naundorf.
1784 A fire caused by lightning destroys 15 farmsteads in Naundorf. On 18 October, two farmers' wives prevent an accident involving Elector Friedrich August III's carriage on the washed-out Meissen Post Road near Serkowitz.
1785 - 1789 Construction of the Elbe embankment between Serkowitz and Kötzschenbroda, extended to Naundorf in 1792/94.
1788 On 5 April, the extension of the new road from Pieschen through the Lößnitz to Meißen (Meißner Str.), begun in 1784, is completed.
1789 Construction of the inn "Weißes Roß".
1790 The biggest fire in the history of Zitzschewig destroys most of the old village centre on 15 May.
1805 A fire destroys 58 houses and 32 barns in Kötzschenbroda and Fürstenhain on 31 May.
1822 The largest village fire in Naundorf's history on 29 July destroys 35 farmsteads. This event is later linked to the legend of the fire rider.
1826 Foundation of the pharmacy in Kötzschenbroda.
1828 The "Laspe'sche Tonpfeifenfabrik" is the first small industrial company to settle in Kötzschenbroda.
1832 The vineyard owners of the upper and lower Lößnitz join together to form vineyard associations in order to ensure the necessary regulation of poor relief due to the steady increase in population.
1834 Wilhelm Ziegner organises a bird shooting event in Kötzschenbroda. Due to the great response, the tradition of the Kötzschenbroda bird meadow develops from its annual repetition.
1836 On 19 August, the Niederlößnitz-Lindenau school district is formed. The " factory of sparkling wines", later the Bussard sparkling wine cellar, is established in Niederlößnitz.
1837 A steamship docks in Kötzschenbroda for the first time on 3 October.
1838 The first Niederlößnitz school building is opened on 2 January. The section of the new Leipzig-Dresden railway from Dresden to the Weintraube stop is put into operation on 19 July. The entire line is completed on 9 April 1839.
1839 Reorganisation of the administrative structure. The municipalities of Oberlößnitz and Niederlößnitz are formed in accordance with the Saxon Landgemeindeordnung of 1838. The first municipal councils and boards are also elected in the other Lößnitz villages. Fürstenhain and Kötzschenbroda form a municipal association to provide for the poor.
1840 On 25 October, a winegrowers' festival organised by the Winegrowers' Society of the Kingdom of Saxony takes place in Lößnitz. The winegrowers' procession organised by Moritz Retzsch leads from the Hoflößnitz to the Goldene Weintraube inn.
1842 The newly built Zitzschewig school building is inaugurated on 10 January.

The flooding of the Elbe (29 to 31 March) submerges large parts of Lößnitz. On 27 August, the largest public festival in Lößnitz to date commemorates the 200th anniversary of the armistice treaty in the Thirty Years' War in Kötzschenbroda.

1849 An infirmary is opened in the "Stone House" in Niederlößnitz on 3 October. After being taken over by the deaconry in 1863, it develops into the "Bethesda infirmary".
1852 On 19 August, a separate school district is formed in Oberlößnitz.
1854 On 1 July, the first post office in Lößnitz opens in Kötzschenbroda. On 11 October, the newly built "school and prayer house" in Oberlößnitz is inaugurated.

The first school building in Wahnsdorf is inaugurated on 18 June.

1860 The first Radebeul railway station is opened on 29 November.

The new Kötzschenbroda school building on Vorwerkstraße is inaugurated on 19 May. A "Turner fire brigade" is formed in Kötzschenbroda, from 1875 "Kötzschenbroda volunteer fire brigade".

1865 The first issue of the "Kötzschenbrodaer Zeitung", founded by August Ziegner, is published on 13 December.
1869-1870 The "Ziller'sche Wasserwerk"" is built in the Lößnitzgrund.
1870 On 3 May, the "Luisenstift" is inaugurated as a teaching and educational institution for higher daughters.
1871 On 15 August, the new Niederlößnitz school building on Ledenweg is inaugurated. The "Wochenblatt für Radebeul und Oberlößnitz" is founded, which later becomes the "Radebeuler Tageblatt".

The first railway station building is opened in Kötzschenbroda and the first paraffin lanterns are installed for street lighting. On 18 August, the first telegraph station in the Lößnitz region goes into operation in Kötzschenbroda. The municipal council of Niederlößnitz responds to the increasing land speculation that has been taking place since 1870 by drawing up a local statute and a development plan. Serkowitz is given a landing stage for passenger steamers. A factory district is established in Radebeul, where numerous industrial companies settle in the following decades.

1874 In Kötzschenbroda, the new school building at Gradsteg is handed over. On 16 June, the "Oberlößnitz-Radebeul postal agency" opens for business

The von Heyden salicylic acid factory founded in Dresden the previous year is relocated to Radebeul. The first school building in Serkowitz is inaugurated on 10 June. After completion of the Niederwartha bridge, the Dresden-Berlin railway line is opened on 17 June.

1876 On 2 February, Fürstenhain with 285 inhabitants is incorporated into Kötzschenbroda.
1878 The first school in Radebeul is opened on 1 May and the new school building in Naundorf on 11 July.
1882 Establishment of a horse-drawn railway from the "Vier Jahreszeiten" inn in Radebeul to Dresden Postplatz.

The narrow-gauge railway from Radebeul to Radeburg is opened on 15 August.


The rebuilt Kötzschenbroda church is consecrated on 9 August. A phylloxera infestation is discovered in the royal vineyards of Lößnitz; the so-called phylloxera catastrophe destroys almost the entire Lößnitz vineyards by 1887.

1890 The first Radebeul pharmacy is opened at Whitsun. The Niederlößnitz waterworks goes into operation on 30 May. The dam at Kötzschenbroda breaks during a severe flood on the Elbe at the beginning of September.
1892 The Kötzschenbroda gasworks goes into operation on 3 October and the 80 new public gas lanterns are put into operation for the first time on 12 October. On 28 November, the church built in 1891/92 for the parish of Radebeul, Serkowitz and Oberlößnitz, founded in 1890, is consecrated; since 1934 it has been known as the "Lutherkirche". The connecting railway between the Leipzig-Dresden and Berlin-Dresden railways, from Naundorf station to Coswig, is completed.
1893-1895 Construction of the Neubrunn waterworks on the initiative of the Ziller brothers, owned by the Radebeul, Serkowitz and Oberlößnitz municipal association since 1900.
1895 The newly built Niederlößnitz town hall is inaugurated on 4 April.
1896-1900 Four-track extension of the Dresden-Leipzig railway line, elevation of the tracks.
1896 The new Kötzschenbroda station building is put into operation on 16 June, since 1935 "Radebeul West station". The power station in Lößnitzgrund is completed.
1897 On 1 May, the second Radebeul school building is inaugurated, known as the "Pestalozzi School" since 1919. The new Wahnsdorf school building is inaugurated on 16 October.

On 21 August, the tram line from Dresden to the "Weißes Roß" inn is opened; on 12 October, the entire line to the Kötzschenbroda terminus goes into operation.

1900 The new Radebeul town hall is inaugurated on 24 September and the new Radebeul railway station building is handed over on 25 October.

Zitzschewig is given a stop on the Dresden-Leipzig railway line. The power station in Lößnitzgrund is taken over by an association of the municipalities of Nieder- and Oberlößnitz, Radebeul and Serkowitz. The new Serkowitz school building on Wasastrasse is opened on 26 May and the Kötzschenbroda-Oberort school on 30 June.

1904 On 11 July, the second Kötzschenbroda school building on Harmoniestraße is opened.
1905 On 1 January, Serkowitz is incorporated into Radebeul. On 25 June, the "Bilz-Licht-Luft-Bad" opens in Kötzschenbroda-Oberort. The new Naundorf school is opened on 5 July.
1907 The "Bismarck Tower" is inaugurated on 2 September. On 7 October, the new school building for the "Realschule mit Progymnasium" founded in 1905 is handed over.

From 19 to 21 July, over 4,000 choir singers gather in Kötzschenbroda for the 14th singing festival of the Elbgausängerbund. On 20 September, the chapel of the new cemetery of the communities of Naundorf and Zitzschewig is consecrated, later known as "Johanneskapelle". The forest park near Radebeul, created in 1904 on the initiative of the Lößnitz Beautification Association, is given the name "König-Friedrich" in the presence of the King of Saxony. The park is named "King Friedrich August Park" in the presence of the King of Saxony.


From 22 May to 28 June, the "Exhibition of the Lößnitz villages for crafts, trade, horticulture and industry" takes place on the Kötzschenbroda festival meadow, attracting a total of around 250 exhibitors and 68,000 visitors. Construction of the Radebeul post office building on Pestalozzistraße begins.

1910 The new Kötzschenbroda district court is inaugurated on 1 July. The first cinema opens in Kötzschenbroda.
1913 The foundation of the Association for the Promotion of Viticulture in Lößnitz marks the beginning of the revitalisation of viticulture in Lößnitz.
1914-1918 First World War
1915-1918 Construction of the water tower and the elevated tank on Burgstraße.
1915 Hoflößnitz becomes the property of the municipality of Oberlößnitz on 4 June.
1916 The newly built "Wahnsdorf weather station" is put into service on 1 August.
1917 The newly built Kötzschenbroda post office on Meißner Str. opens for business on 15 February.
1920 On 1 January, Lindenau becomes a district of Kötzschenbroda.
1922 The school building for the trade and commercial school of the Lößnitz villages, founded in 1918, is completed.
1923 The municipalities of Kötzschenbroda, Niederlößnitz, Naundorf and Zitzschewig merge on 1 October to form the large municipality of Kötzschenbroda.
1924 Radebeul (1 April) and Kötzschenbroda (5 May) are granted town charter. On 25 December, the tram extension to Zitzschewig is put into operation

On 27 October, the new building of the state-run "Weinbau-Versuchs und Lehranstalt" (viticultural research and teaching institute) in Oberlößnitz is inaugurated. On 1 December, the "Karl May Museum" opens in Radebeul.

1934 Oberlößnitz and Wahnsdorf are incorporated into Radebeul on 1 April. On 15 April, the first bus route in Lößnitz from Kötzschenbroda-Oberort to Naundorf station begins operation.
1935 On 1 January, the merger of Radebeul and Kötzschenbroda to form the town of Radebeul is completed.
1939-1945 Second World War
1945 On 7 and 8 May, Radebeul is taken by troops of the Soviet army almost without a fight. The Niederwartha bridge is blown up by German units on 8 May.
1946 On 13 April, the first train crosses the provisionally repaired Niederwartha Bridge.
1949 The former Schützenhalle on Uferstraße becomes the "Radebeul West Sports Hall" on 15 March. The Hauptmann Archive, housed in the Hohenhaus, begins its work on 6 June.
1950 The Saxony State Opera moves from Dresden-Gittersee to Radebeul, becoming the Saxony State Theatre at the end of the year. The publicly owned wineries are united to form the Volksweingut.

The Institute for Teacher Training begins teaching at the Schiller School on 2 January. The Lößnitzbad is officially opened on 30 June (construction began on 7 May 1949).

1958 With the founding of the "LPG Lößnitzaue" Naundorf on 11 July, the collectivisation of agriculture also begins in Lößnitz, which is completed in spring 1960.
1959 The public observatory on the Ebenberge is inaugurated on 2 May.
1960 The Dresden Puppet Theatre Collection moves into rooms in the Hohenhaus. The Radebeul municipal archive is opened on 1 September.
1969 The new planetarium of the "Volkssternwarte Adolph Diesterweg" is opened to the public on 3 October.
1973 The new school buildings on Augustusweg (15 January) and Kottenleite (25 May) are handed over.
1979 The new school building on Zillerstraße is occupied in October.
1982 The "Kleine Galerie" opens in Radebeul-Ost.
1984 The newly built Radebeul indoor swimming pool is opened on 1 September.
1985 The exhibition "Karl May - Life and Work" opens in the Villa Shatterhand on 9 February.
1987 The permanent exhibition "On viticulture in the Radebeul area" opens on 26 September in the Hoflößnitz.
1991 The first Radebeul autumn and wine festival is celebrated in Altkötzschenbroda in September.
1992 Altkötzschenbroda is declared a redevelopment area. The first Radebeul Karl May Festival takes place from 14 to 17 May.
1994 The first village and school festival is held in Naundorf on 20 June to mark the 850th anniversary of the town's first mention.

On 1 March, Radebeul becomes a large district town. A memorial is inaugurated in the Friedenskirche church during the week of celebrations from 25 August to 3 September to mark the 350th anniversary of the signing of the Kötzschenbroda Armistice Treaty.

1997 The rebuilt "Lößnitzstadion" is inaugurated on 8 July. On 12.9. the new building of the "Vocational School Centre" is handed over. The city gallery opens its new home in Altkötzschenbroda on 27 September with an artists' festival. On 18 November, the Radebeul Builder-Owner Award is presented for the first time.
1998 Formation of the "Hoflößnitz Winery Museum Foundation". Completion of the Elbe cycle path on Radebeul territory. On 13 September, the new Radebeul Art Prize is awarded for the first time. The "Kroko-Fit" sports and leisure centre opens on 19 December.
1999 The historic vineyard landscape of the Lößnitz is placed under a preservation order on 22 June.
2000 The town archive celebrates its 40th anniversary with an exhibition.
2002 The Elbe flood of the century (peak on 17 August) causes severe damage.
2004 The centre of Radebeul-Ost becomes a redevelopment area.
2006 Radebeul library goes online. The listed pavilion on Pestalozzistraße is completely refurbished.
2007 Child protection organisation celebrates its 15th anniversary. Bismarck Tower celebrates its 100th birthday. Lufthansa jet bears the name "Radebeul". Pylon for Niederwartha bridge reaches final height.
2008 20 years of town twinning between Radebeul and St Ingbert (Saarland). Luther Church gets new bells. Inauguration of the new fire station in Radebeul-West.
2009 Naundorfer Anger is embellished. Radebeul East redevelopment area. 10 years of town twinning Radebeul-Obuchiv (Ukraine). 50 years of the Radebeul observatory. Inauguration of the renovated and extended Weinberghaus Gymnasium Luistenstift. Tragic accident in Lößnitzgrund on the 125th anniversary of the narrow-gauge railway.
2010 Refurbishment of social welfare office Hauptstraße 4 completed.

Zitzschewig village square is renovated. Restoration of the Radebeul-Wahnsdorf wayside column by the Wahnsdorf local history association. Opening of Niederwartha bridge.

2012 Flag dedication of the volunteer fire brigade
2013 Inauguration of the station forecourt and Sidonienhöfe in Radebeul-Ost. Cultural railway station combines municipal library, adult education centre and a multi-purpose room
2014 Relocation of registry office and town archive to new premises. Open day at the town archive, Wasastrasse 50
2015 The "Lovers" fountain sculpture completes the wedding garden at the registry office
2016 Demolition of the former glass investment building
2017 30th Radebeul Punch and Judy Show. Completion of the renovation of the historic town hall. Radebeul-West redevelopment area.

Installation of a staircase in the Bismarck Tower. Karl May Museum celebrates its 90th birthday

2019 Inauguration of the new fountain square with new fountain. Topping-out ceremony for the new Luisenstift grammar school
2020 Starting signal for new residential park on former Glasinvest site. Construction of the new Schillerhorts