Herbst Weinfest

27. - 29. September 2024

Richard von Gigantikow

© Susann Pohl

Richard von Gigantikow


- Deutschland

The sculpture labyrinth has been one of the festival's visitor highlights for 24 years. Constructed from pallets and collected waste wood, it forms a wondrous, temporary exhibition architecture, a place of pilgrimage, a social sculpture, a walkway through an imaginative world of images. As a symbol of the tangled path of life, the labyrinth is one of mankind's oldest cultural artefacts and is highly topical in the face of a world that is as complex as it is inscrutable.

As masters of invention and creativity, Richard von Gigantikow and his international team of artists have created a garden of lavish fantasy for 2023 with LabyMAYA, whose labyrinthine magic allows the wanderer to sink into contemplative contemplation and dreams, only to ultimately abandon them to the flames in the fiery Finale Grande.

LabyMaya serves as an interactive canvas for an independent art event - ALIENS WELCOME. Guests and passers-by are invited to ride a course with mobile bamboo sculptures, rockets and spaceships, which can be pushed like a pram. A sound collage can be switched on at the flick of a switch, which uses science fiction and everyday sounds to set the cinema in your head in motion.

ALIENS WELCOME breaks into the Elbe floodplains, into the everyday tensions of the energy crisis, climate crisis, banking crisis, Ukraine crisis and economic crisis. Passers-by witness an intergalactic encounter. Art in public space comes to the people on the meadow and makes artistic work tangible.

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