Wackerbarth Castle or Wackerbarths Ruhe

Wackerbarth 1
Wackerbarth 2
Wackerbarth 3
Wackerbarth 4

Wackerbarth Castle or Wackerbarths Ruhe

Today's state winery was acquired by Imperial Count and Field Marshal General August Christoph von Wackerbarth in 1727. In 1728, he had the Saxon master builder Johann Christoph Knöffel construct a castle-like estate according to his own specifications. A French-style garden was laid out between the terrace and the belvedere, complemented on both sides by elongated farm buildings. Despite repeated remodelling, the Baroque symmetry was preserved.

Since Wackerbarth's purchase, Schloss Wackerbarth was under the direct control of the Dresden authorities until it became part of the newly formed rural municipality of Niederlößnitz in 1839.

In 1875, the main building was completely remodelled in the Italian Renaissance style.

In 1916, the estate was rebaroqueised by the factory owner Alfred Tiedemann.

In 1958, it became the property of the Radebeuler Volksweingut and underwent extensive renovation between 1974 and 1977.

Privatised in 1990, Schloss Wackerbarth came into the possession of the Free State of Saxony in 1992 and opened as an adventure winery in 2002.

A visit to the wine cellar and the restaurant is highly recommended. A sip of Saxon mulled wine promises a special treat in the cold season. This popular winter drink was invented here in 1834 by August Raugraf von Wackerbarth, a great-grandnephew of the castle's builder.

With its baroque castle and gardens and picturesque steep slopes, the winery continues to enchant its guests to this day.

With daily pleasure tours through the modern wine and sparkling wine manufactory, its own restaurant and a variety of exquisite events, Schloss Wackerbarth brings more than 190,000 guests a year closer to the enjoyment of Saxon wine and sparkling wine with all their senses. At the winery, all guests learn what more than 850 years of winemaking tradition in Saxony are all about and why the sparkling wine specialities from Wackerbarth are shaken and not shaken.

Sächsisches Staatsweingut Schloss Wackerbarth
Wackerbarthstraße 1
01445 Radebeul
+49 351 89550
January - March
daily             10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
April - December
daily     10-00 a.m. -7.00 p.m.


Monday   closed
Tuesday to Saturday 12.00 noon - 10.00 p.m
Sunday, public holidays   10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.