Monument conservation area

Sanierungsgebiet West
Meißner Straße
Schillerschule alt und neu

Statutes "Historical vineyard landscape Radebeul"

formally established: 27 July 2001

Mission statement

The area of the Lößnitz vineyard slopes is a section of an old cultural landscape in the Elbe valley of great significance in terms of settlement history. Wine-growing gave the landscape its unmistakable character with the establishment of the cultivation areas and the erection of functional and representative buildings and had a decisive influence on the development of the town of Radebeul. The aim and task of the statutes is to preserve the character of the landscape, to protect the architectural values and to maintain the wine-growing tradition.

Principles and objectives of the statutes

In order to preserve this cultural landscape and protect it from being over-moulded, parts of it were placed under protection in 2001 as a conservation area in accordance with Section 21 of the Saxon Monument Protection Act (SächsDschG).
Special objects of protection include

  • terraced terraces, vineyard and terrace walls in dry construction with the traditional staircases on the slope
  • the unity of building and landscape within the slope area with its historic castle complexes, summer houses, ancillary and functional buildings associated with viticulture such as vineyard cottages, pavilions, press houses, barrel and storage cellars as well as the typical winegrowers' houses as individual residential buildings or as complete complexes of buildings, courtyards and gardens in the area between the edge of the slope and the foot of the slope
  • the loosened development structure of the historic villa neighbourhoods, predominantly from the second half of the 19th century as representative, artistically designed residences of the wealthy middle classes, in their respective proportions of built to undeveloped plot area
  • the traditional ridge and eaves heights of a predominantly two-storey development with a variety of traditional roof shapes and the distances to neighbouring buildings
  • the traditional appearance of the streets, paths and squares accessing the area in their existing width and profile, including their traditional surface design and typical local planting, often with an avenue character
  • the street-facing property enclosures of the buildings in their traditional character in accordance with their time of origin and their artistic aspirations as well as their landscape-related design
  • the parks and gardens of the individual houses with front, side, house and courtyard gardens, including their diverse features and landscape elements such as arbours and pavilions, terraces, pergolas, water basins, fountains, outdoor staircases, conservatories, retaining and console walls, decorative elements, sculptures and planting
  • the visual relationships within and from the conservation area that are decisive for the appearance of the historic wine-growing landscape and characterise it

Building projects requiring authorisation

Changes to buildings in the conservation area that alter the appearance of the conservation area require authorisation:

  • New construction, conversion and extension or demolition of buildings
  • Maintenance and modernisation measures on buildings
  • Construction work on traffic facilities
  • Construction and alteration of property enclosures
  • Interventions and changes to the surface forms of the ground
  • Installation of outdoor advertising

The basic authorisation requirement for projects on cultural monuments in accordance with Section 12 SächsDSchG remains unaffected by these statutes.