332 Results were found
Submission SR 67/21-19/24 not resolved
The resolution of the submission SR 67/21-19/24 was incorrectly printed in the current Official Journal.
Speech by the Lord Mayor to the City Council on 21 September 2022 at the start of the new term of office
You can all rest assured that, as in previous election periods, the well-being of the city of Radebeul is at the centre of my actions. This should not and must not be about short-term showmanship, but about the long-term and sustainable positive development of our city. Radebeul should continue to be a city for old and young, for rich and poor, for those born here and those who have moved here. Human warmth, civic engagement, intergenerational justice, the model of the responsible citizen and respect for constitutional freedoms are the cornerstones of our actions.
Arbitration hearing in December
The monthly arbitration meeting will take place on 13 December.
The Radebeul-Lindenau fire brigade invites you!
Saturday is open day in Lindenau
Interested in training in uniform?
The German Armed Forces, Federal Police and Prison Service present their training opportunities at the BiZ.
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