Kindergarten/ School

Bibliothek 1
Bibliothek 2
Bibliothek 3

Our offers for kindergartens and schools

Cooperation with teachers and educators

The library sees itself as an educational partner. The focus here is on promoting reading as a basic skill for pre-school and school children.

The daycare and after-school programmes are designed to introduce a playful approach to books in order to awaken the joy of reading and thus actively accompany reading over the years. These include book swaps, reading aloud sessions and themed picture book cinema as well as an action-packed holiday programme (RADEBEULer-mitmach-ERLEBNIS-woche, children's cinema).

The library as a place of learning: in connection with the lessons, an age-specific library introduction supports orientation in the library and shows how information sources are used in a targeted manner. This also includes research in the OPAC to promote information and media skills. Thematic boxes with reference to curricula, reading competitions and projects to promote reading (Antolin, Lesefrühling) complement the specialised cooperation with schools in order to achieve learning goals together.

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