Elberadweg im Nebel
Elberadweg Schild
Elberadweg 3
Wandern 1
Elberadweg 2
Blick vom Bismarckturm

Route Niederlößnitz

On the way through Niederlößnitz, you can enjoy a marvellous view over the Elbe valley and the Radebeul vineyards. On the ascent directly next to the show vineyard of the Hoflößnitz winery below Friedensburg Castle, information boards provide interesting facts about viticulture in Saxony. A special feature of the route is the historic water tunnel on Burgstraße. The Frog King sits on a wall in the immediate vicinity and watches passers-by. The ruler of this subterranean realm is said to still live in the tunnel today, waiting for redemption. With a bit of luck, you might be able to spot him by peering into the underground passageway.

The route takes you past wine houses and wine taverns, which invite you to take a break with a glass of wine after the steep climb. Along the Obere Bergstraße are picturesque historic houses, such as the Minckwitzsche Weinberghaus. The descent leads past the Minckwitz vineyard through the Finstere Gasse.

The path variants offer further beautiful views and lead past smaller vineyard sites such as the Paradies and the Terrassenberg. " At the water tower" the path winds its way through an enchanted wooded area lined with vineyard walls.

Worth seeing and experiencing

Lesesteinrücken as a biotope - construction of a vineyard wall - Friedensburg show vineyard - vineyard view - tradition and modern cultivation - water tunnel and frog king

Details of the wine hike

Information about the hike
Distance: 2,5 km
Duration: 2 Stunden
Height: 70 m
Difficulty: mittel
  • Radebeuler Wasserturm
  • Blick ins Elbtal, Radebeul
  • Blick durch Weinreben auf Radebeul

There is a listening station on the Saxon Wine Trail at Friedensburg Castle

>> to the listening station