Kinder in der Bibliothek


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You can contact the Equal Opportunities Officer if you:

  • need support in asserting your rights,
  • want to obtain information and advice,
  • want to complain about discrimination,
  • are looking for contacts to advice centres, women's groups and associations,
  • have suggestions on how the situation for women in Radebeul can be improved,
  • are interested in getting involved in women's work in Radebeul themselves

Opinions & questions

Send us your opinions, suggestions and questions on the subject of equal opportunities / gender equality to !

Further important information:

>> Tasks of the Equal Opportunities Officer for m/f/d

The role of an equal opportunities officer is defined in Article 3, paragraph 2 of the German Basic Law, which states: "Men and women shall have equal rights. The state shall promote the actual realisation of equal rights for women and men and work towards the elimination of existing disadvantages."

Articles 8 and 18 of the Saxon Constitution take up this intention: "The promotion of the legal and actual equality of women and men is the task of the state." (Art. 8) "Women and men have equal rights." (Art. 18)

The task of the Federal Republic of Germany to implement the constitutional principle of equal rights for men and women in practice is therefore also the task of local government and the city council. They appoint a full-time equal opportunities officer.

The special feature of her work is that she reports directly to the Lord Mayor and is not subject to instructions. The tasks of an equal opportunities officer are interdepartmental and represent typical cross-sectional tasks.

She is the contact person and lobbyist for issues relating to the realisation of gender equality and equal opportunities for all people in all areas of life.

The Equal Opportunities Officer:

...develops, initiates, advises, supports, networks, promotes, organises, negotiates and designs projects for the equal participation of all people in public life the contact person for women and men in difficult circumstances and life situations, e.g. in cases of domestic violence

...organises specialist days and conferences, holds information and discussion events to raise public awareness of gender equality actively committed to improving the compatibility of family and career

...supports gender-politically active projects, networks and initiatives on site that contribute to improving the situation of people and works closely with them

...provides initial counselling for those seeking advice in individual cases

...ensures that gender equality issues are incorporated and taken into account in the work of the city administration, political bodies and the city council

>> Welcome - Alliance for Children

We stand up for children and families in the district.

We want to promote the healthy development of children into happy, independent and socially competent personalities and provide parents with the necessary support on request.

Visit our homepage:


where you will find lots of useful tips for families and the information booklet for young families as a download!

Juco Social Work gGmbH
Mrs Donau
03523/ 774 94 66

Welcome - Alliance for Children

>> Violence against women helpline

In operation since 2013: the nationwide help hotline "Violence against women".
Available around the clock!
On the free telephone number 08000 116 016 and via the website, more than 60 counsellors from the "Violence against Women" helpline are available to answer any questions women may have.
Telephone calls can be translated into 15 languages around the clock. The website also provides access to sign language translation.
In addition to the women affected, relatives, friends and other people from their social environment as well as professionals can also contact the helpline.

Women's refuge and intervention centre against domestic violence in Radebeul
You can also get help around the clock on: 0351 8384653


Counselling and intervention centre against domestic violence and stalking with child and youth counselling in cases of domestic violence
Tel. 0351 79552205

>> (for children and young people)

Men's refuge in Dresden
Phone: 0351 3234522

>> Law on confidential birth

The law, which came into force on 1 May 2014, provides, among other things, for affected women to receive advice, care and support from around 1,600 pregnancy advice centres during and after pregnancy.
Pregnant women in need are thus given the opportunity to bring their child into the world safely - and confidentially if they wish - in a clinic or with a midwife.
This regulation is also intended to prevent desperate pregnant women from secretly giving birth to their child and possibly even abandoning or killing it.
"No woman in Germany has to give birth to her child secretly and alone. We want to ensure that as many pregnant women as possible find their way into the available help system", said Manuela Schwesig (Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth).
Help hotline "Pregnant women in need - anonymous and safe"
From 1 May 2014, pregnant women can call 0800 40 40 020 around the clock. They will receive qualified initial counselling free of charge. As a 24-hour helpline, the telephone also refers them to local advice centres. Counselling is anonymous, barrier-free and offered in several languages.
Confidential birth
The new legal regulations also include the confidential birth model. It primarily supports women who wish to keep their pregnancy a secret. Confidential birth is a medically safe option for pregnant women who are unable to disclose their pregnancy. It involves a two-stage procedure: In the first stage, the pregnancy counselling centres offer comprehensive help and advice to resolve the conflict that has caused the desire for anonymity. Only when it has been established that the woman does not wish to disclose herself, despite the good offers of help, will she be counselled on confidential birth in the second stage.
But even if a woman decides against the option of a confidential birth: The offer of anonymous counselling and help is available to her at any time.
The website also provides affected women with comprehensive information about the new and existing support services for pregnant women.

Local advice centre
Diakonisches Werk - City Mission Dresden
Pregnancy and
Pregnancy and pregnancy conflict counselling
Sidonienstraße 1
01445 Radebeul
Telephone: 0351 8308750

I would also like to draw your attention to the online counselling service at >> Since October, pregnant women in need have been able to receive anonymous online counselling via chat.

>> Parental allowance plus

At the beginning of 2015, the new Parental Allowance Plus with a partnership bonus and more flexible parental leave came into force, giving mothers and fathers more time for their families and supporting parents. The changes apply to births from 1 July 2015 and we, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, would like to inform you about the most important provisions of the law.

Support and services for families must be diverse and up to date. In general, we are seeing the trend that more and more mothers with young children want to work and more and more fathers want to be more involved in family life.

With Parental Allowance Plus, we are responding to the needs of families: parents who return to work part-time soon after the birth of their child will receive parental allowance for longer in future and can utilise their parental allowance budget more effectively. Partnership-based commitment to family and career pays off - with single parents also being treated equally to other family forms and benefiting. Parental leave will become significantly more flexible and planning security during parental leave will increase.

In addition, the law on parental allowance for multiple births was clarified at the beginning of 2015. The regulations that were originally intended by the legislator apply again. Parents of multiple births are entitled to parental allowance and will continue to receive the multiple birth supplement of 300 euros.

Further information and services can be found at We have also updated the online parental allowance calculator in the Family Guide ( and added a planner. With its help, parents can try out how they can combine parental allowance, parental allowance plus and partnership bonus and what entitlement to parental allowance or parental allowance plus this will result in.

Detailed information on the new regulations and offers is also available in a variety of materials, which you can obtain from the Equal Opportunities Office.