
Donation pot is filling up - transport planned


  • Titus Reime und Oberbürgermeister Bert Wendsche bei Absprachen zum Hilfstransport

After setting up the donation account for Ukraine/ Obukhiv aid, the first donations have been received.

As of 01.03.2022, the account balance is € 8125.00. Further donations have been announced.

The Ukrainian twin city of Obukhiv has sent a list of urgently needed medical supplies. Mayor Bert Wendsche emphasises: "The willingness to help is overwhelming. In addition to the monetary donations that we can use to procure the relief supplies, we have already received offers of employment for the refugees."

The first transport of urgently needed medical supplies is due to start towards the Ukrainian border in the next few days.
Titus Reime is responsible for coordinating the aid transports. Contact: Tel. 0351 8971960,

Many thanks to all previous donors!

For all those willing to donate, here is the municipal donation account:

Donation account:

Municipality of Radebeul

Sparkasse Meißen

IBAN: DE97 8505 5000 3100 0031 00

Purpose: "831000 Emergency aid Ukraine and Obukhiv"