Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Join the choir! Männerchor Radebeul e.V. "Liederkranz 1844" invites you to a rehearsal


The male choir invites you to a taster rehearsal on Monday, 11 September 2023 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. as part of the German Choir Association's nationwide "Week of Open Choirs".

From 11 to 17 September 2023, choirs and vocal ensembles throughout Germany will be opening the doors to their rehearsals to anyone interested. The aim of this campaign is to give new singers the opportunity to make musical contact in an uncomplicated way. The male choir Radebeul e.V. "Liederkranz 1844" is also one of the ensembles taking part in the "Week of Open Choirs" in Radebeul.

Newcomers can look forward to a varied programme at the trial rehearsal, as the men's choir is currently preparing for performances at the autumn and wine festival and the "Night of the Choirs" in Radebeul, where old songs, songs adapted to the region and new songs will be presented.

The men's choir performs in social organisations, at town and district festivals and on various occasions.

Another highlight is the annual choir trips with meetings of partner choirs.

The open rehearsal of the "Week of Open Choirs" will take place on Monday, 11 September at 7 p.m. in the rehearsal room of the Hotel "Goldener Anker", Altkötzschenbroda 6, in Radebeul.

Further information about the choir can be found on the choir website:

Interested parties can also contact
Volkmar Kretzschmar, 1st chairman and Hartmut Ebert, 2nd chairman
at the e-mail address:


The "Week of Open Choirs" is organised as part of the "Culture in Rural Areas" funding programme, supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag.