Municipal art collection

Karl May Fest 1
Kasperiade 1
Karl May Fest 2

Municipal art collection

Collection of important works by artists who were/are based in Radebeul or whose work has a direct connection to the Lößnitz town.

The collection is based on a historically grown stock of paintings, watercolours, pastels, drawings, graphics, collages, sculptures, sculptures, objects, photographs and artists' books, which came into the possession of the city through donation or purchase. The works of art are supplemented by designs, models, posters, catalogues, original manuscripts and visual, textual, audio and film documents.

The art collection is affiliated to the City Gallery. Exhibits from it are presented to the public in the form of special exhibitions at irregular intervals.

The term "City Art Collection" was introduced in 1992. Since then, the collection, which currently comprises around 1,500 works of art by over 100 artists, has been systematically maintained, processed and expanded.

The Municipal Art Collection contains works by (selection):

Homayon Aatifi Peter PIT Müller
Elisabeth Ahnert Hermann Naumann
Dieter Beirich Gustav Neuhaus
Max Brösel Manuela Neumann
Heinz Drache Christiane Otto
Jochen Fiedler Oscar Pletsch
Lieselotte Finke-Poser Johannes Thaut
Karl Friedrich Andrea Türke
Peter Graf Markus Retzlaff
Sebastian Hennig Moritz Retzsch
Gunter Herrmann Georg Richter-Lößnitz
Horst Hille Theodor Rosenhauer
Erhard Hippold Günter Schmitz
Gussy Hippold Fritz Peter Schulze
Michael Hofmann Karola Smy
Maria Karlick Bärbel Voigt
Magdalene Kreßner Fred Walther
Karl Kröner Claus Weidensdorfer
Ingo Kuczera Irene Wieland
Bärbel Kuntsche Paul Wilhelm
Käthe Kuntze Ute Wittig
Christiane Latendorf Werner Wittig
Klaus Liebscher Wilhelm Zimmer
Ruth Meier Renate Zürner
Hans Mroczinski Fürchtegott Erhard Zwar

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