Traffic concept for the area around Bahnhofstrasse

Wohnen am Weinberg
Sanierungsgebiet West
Sanierungsgebiet Ost

Traffic concept for the area around Bahnhofstrasse

The results of the public participation are now available!

From 6 July to 28 August 2020, the public participation for the Kötzschenbroda traffic concept took place, in which three possible variants of the future basic traffic routing in the area around Bahnhofstraße were put to the vote.
Instead of the planned and normally customary public meeting, it was necessary to organise a public consultation due to the coronavirus contact
restrictions in place at the time of the decision, it was necessary to use other channels to make the information fully accessible to a broad public.
accessible to the general public without restriction.
There was therefore an audiovisual presentation on the Internet with commentary from the planning office, information in the official gazette and in the redevelopment newspaper "WestPost", notices in the Bürgertreff (Bahnhofstraße 8) and in the Technical Town Hall (Pestalozzistraße 8), a working meeting
with traders and articles in the press. The usual participation period of one month was extended to eight weeks.
Various options were available for providing feedback (reply cards, online voting, e-mail contact, telephone, post). Questions could be asked by e-mail or telephone, or appointments could be made at the urban planning and building inspectorate. In addition to the response cards on display, around 900 labelled response cards were sent to directly affected property owners, businesses, schools and daycare centres.
The participation period has expired. The response was very positive. A total of 1,360 responses were received. Response cards, emails, letters and telephone comments arrived at the town hall every day. It was not possible to send a confirmation of receipt or reply to all the feedback received. We would therefore ask for your understanding. Nevertheless, the suggestions, opinions and comments have not been lost. All comments will be analysed and summarised for the City Council to make a decision.
A distinction was made between two forms of participation in the evaluation: "open" and "closed" participation. In the "closed" participation, only the labelled response cards and other assignable feedback that came back from the 900 specifically contacted property owners, tradespeople, schools and daycare centres were counted. This generated a picture of the opinions of those affected.
In the "open" participation, all other participants were counted and thus a general opinion of the citizens was obtained. Of the total of 1,360 responses, 1,065 were received as part of the "open" participation; 295 votes were cast as part of the "closed" participation. The most frequently used medium for feedback was the reply card. Only around a tenth of participants voted online (see charts 1-3).

After evaluating all the responses, a very clear result can be seen in favour of variant 0, in which the existing structure is only to be optimised at the junctions and modified for stationary traffic. Of the 1,065 responses in the "open" participation, around 80 % of the votes were in favour of variant 0, and in the "closed" participation, around 70 % of the 295 participants also voted in favour of variant 0 (see charts 4-6).
Variant 1, which envisages a pedestrian zone in the middle of Bahnhofstrasse, was favoured by 10.2 % of participants in the "open" participation and by 15.2 % in the "closed" participation (see charts 4-6).
Option 2, which envisages the central Bahnhofstrasse as a one-way street towards the vineyards (north), was favoured by 7.8 % of participants in the "open" participation; 12.2 % in the "closed" participation (see charts 4-6).

The "closed" participation was analysed in even greater detail. Of the total of 295 responses, 225 votes were cast by affected property owners, 69 votes by affected tradespeople and 1 vote by affected schools and daycare centres. Here too, there was a significant result in favour of variant 0, which was chosen by 68.4 % of property owners and 73.9 % of tradespeople (see charts 7-9).

The results of the public participation vote and the suggestions, opinions and comments received will now be presented to the city council. It is expected to make a final decision in autumn 2020 on the basis of the resolutions already passed on the overarching reorganisation concept for the "Radebeul-West centre" redevelopment area as to which basic traffic routing option will be pursued further. The concrete expansion plans for the station forecourt and Bahnhofstrasse, including the intersections, can then be finalised.
intersections - again in variants if necessary. This will then also be presented to the public for participation.

Anja Schöniger, Urban Planning Department,
Urban Planning and Building Supervisory Office