Business location Radebeul

Tischlerei 1
Tischlerei 2

Business location Radebeul

During the Wilhelminian era at the end of the 19th century, in particular due to the construction of the new Dresden-Leipzig railway line in the area that is now the city of Radebeul, industrial and commercial sites emerged in the former municipalities, which still make up the majority of our city's economic strength today. In addition to the area in Radebeul-Naundorf in the western part, the Radebeul-Ost industrial estate is an efficient industrial and commercial location.

Industrial sites

Naundorf industrial estate

Radebeul-Ost industrial estate

The industrial estate was created during the Wilhelminian era and developed in particular due to the Dresden-Leipzig railway line. This railway line still divides the area into a northern and southern part. The Radebeul-Ost industrial estate is home to a large number of small and medium-sized companies and branches. The best-known companies include Arevipharma and Teekanne. The main sectors are chemicals/pharmaceuticals, metal construction and metal processing and office technology.

Commercial premises Radebeul-Mitte

Commercial premises Fabrikstraße

Commercial premises Johannisberg