Day of urban development 2016

Wohnen am Weinberg
Sanierungsgebiet West
Sanierungsgebiet Ost

Day of urban development 2016

On Saturday, 21 May 2016, cities and municipalities across Germany were invited to take part in a nationwide day of action to raise public awareness of urban development funding as a successful instrument for urban and regional development. On " Urban Development Promotion Day", citizens will be introduced to the wide range of opportunities offered by urban development promotion. Objectives, content and results are presented for discussion and, ideally, the population is encouraged to participate and help shape the programme.

As in 2015, the city of Radebeul also took part in this day and invited people to take a walk through the "Centre and Village Centre Radebeul-Ost" redevelopment area.

This year's tour focussed on the plans for the extension of the redevelopment area around the Luther Church, Karl May Grove and Karl May Museum. At the Luther Church, Pastor Heinze presented the parish's current building project, the construction of a new parish hall right next to the church. The next stop was all about Karl May. Here there was a lot of information about the history and redesign ideas for the grove and museum. This was followed by other projects in the redevelopment area, including the new publicly accessible park on the town hall site, the station forecourt and Robert-Werner-Platz, which clearly demonstrated what urban development funding can achieve and the positive results that have already been achieved.