© Claudia Hübschmann

29.November - 1. Dezember / 6. - 8. Dezember / 13. - 15. Dezember 2024

Christmas fairy tale puzzle with Ursula von Rätin

Die Theaterratte Ursula von Rätin schaut auch in diesem Jahr wieder beim Weihnachtsmarkt \
© 2018 André Wirsig

Christmas fairy tale puzzle with Ursula von Rätin

Puppet theatre Cornelia Fritzsche

The theatre rat Ursula von Rätin will once again be visiting the "Lichterglanz & Budenzauber" Christmas market this year and has plenty of stories from her exciting life as a rat in her luggage. With humour and theatrical passion, she recounts experiences from her childhood or incidents from her time at the theatre and sometimes simply mixes it all up with well-known fairy tales. A lot gets mixed up in the process, but the audience is there to help her with words and deeds and brings order back to her confused stories.
