Pestalozzistraße between Schildenstraße and Schumannstraße

Spielplatz Apothekerpark
Meißner Straße
Speisesaal Lögy

Pestalozzistraße between Schildenstraße and Schumannstraße

Vor der Baumaßnahme

Nach der Baumaßnahme

Reason and objective

Fundamental expansion of the carriageway and footpath, replacement construction of the retaining wall to the site of the small railway


Engineering office W Plus from Dresden

Construction time

August 2018 to May 2019

Construction work

Stone setting and road construction company Jens Hausdorf GmbH, Thiendorf


approx. € 595,000
Approx. € 311,000 grant from the Free State of Saxony in accordance with the Municipal Road Construction Directive Part B as a lump sum for repair and renewal for 2018
approx. € 46,000 Share within the redevelopment area as part of the federal/state programme "Active city and district centres" (SOP), 2/3 from federal and state financial aid and 1/3 from the city's own funds
approx. € 238,000 from the city of Radebeul's own funds