
Who offers which support services for Ukrainian refugees here on site?


  • Obuchiwhilfe

The aid transport with urgently needed medical supplies for our Ukrainian twin town Obukhiv starts tomorrow morning. On the way back from the Polish-Ukrainian border, around 100 Ukrainian people will be brought to Radebeul and are expected here on Saturday morning.

Anyone who would like to actively support these people here can enter the type and scope of their support in the survey below.

The purpose of the survey is to be able to allocate and offer help quickly and in a targeted manner.

>> to the offer survey

As of 2 March 2022, we have already received €15,761.75, which will be used for emergency aid in Ukraine and Obukhiv. In future, the use of the donations will be decided by an advisory board made up of members of Radebeul City Council.