Hinweisschild Sozialrathaus

Counselling centre

for people in special circumstances,
elderly people and people with disabilities

We offer counselling
- free of charge
- with prior appointment
- without prejudice
- with heart and
- anonymously if you wish.

We support you in dealing with other offices and authorities. If required, we are happy to visit you at home.

Contact details

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Note for motorised visitors:

Car parks and disabled parking spaces are located at the town hall, Pestalozzistraße 6

There is a disabled parking space in the courtyard of the Sozialrathaus (access via Pestalozzistraße 4 | open barrier with >> Euro-WC key or call: 0351 8311810/801)

Counselling in special life situations

Counselling for older people and people with disabilities


Social affairs

Severe disability and care

Support in applying for social benefits
Severe disability (initial and change application, extension, exchange, help with appeals), state allowance for the blind
Applying for donations in acute emergencies
Compensation for disadvantages, equalisation, parking facilitation, integration assistance
Prevention of imminent homelessness in the event of cancellation or eviction from the home
Degree of care (initial and increased application), claiming benefits from the care insurance fund
Accommodation in the event of homelessness and support in finding your own accommodation
Arranging help in everyday life, care services, housekeeping, etc.
through the municipal signpost
Advice in special life situations (family crises, financial hardship, addiction problems, counselling for relatives, etc.)
Patient care, health care proxy, living will, guardianship
Clarification of the exact need for help and establishing contact with other specialist centres and authorities
Establishing a network of helpers in individual cases
Issue of the Radebeul Pass and Saxon Family Pass
Information on disability and age-specific issues and
Support in improving the housing situation

If you have any concerns or needs, you can also contact the >>Honourary Disability Officer of the city.