Luisenstift grammar school extension

Spielplatz Apothekerpark
Meißner Straße
Speisesaal Lögy

Luisenstift grammar school extension

Gymnasium Luisenstift vor der Baumaßnahme

Erweiterungsbau Gymnasium Luisenstift nach Baumaßnahme

Occasion and goal

Creation of new classrooms and specialised cabinets,
Fire protection upgrading


pussert kosch architekten from Dresden

Implementation planning to property management pussert kosch architekten from Dresden
Construction time April 2018 to April 2020

Construction costs: €5.6 million

Funded via VwV Investkraft - Budget "Saxony"
Bridges to the future
from funds "to improve the school infrastructure in the Free State of Saxony"/Sächsische AufbauBank

Funding amount/grant: € 2,412,680.78