Volunteering and clubs

Feuerwehr 2
Feuerwehr 1

Volunteering and clubs

In addition to a great landscape and good infrastructure, it is above all the clubs that characterise a town and life in it. Over 120 clubs offer meaningful leisure activities for young and old. This covers a wide range of interests from sport and family to nature and culture. Not forgetting the voluntary work of the Radebeul volunteer fire brigade and the arbitration board, which endeavours to settle disputes out of court.

What would many organisations (especially for children) be without the commitment of countless volunteers?

It is often not possible for "smaller" (sports) clubs in particular to pay for new small sports equipment, jerseys or travel costs out of their own pockets without financial support. Club life in Radebeul is particularly important to us. That is why we also support our clubs financially as part of the funding guidelines of the city of Radebeul.

Does your organisation need support? Then you are welcome to contact us. We are at your side with help and advice.

For the area of sport/sports clubs

For the area of education, youth, social affairs

For the culture sector

For the area of equal opportunities