Transport Council
The city council of Radebeul would like to reactivate the work of the Radebeul Transport Council following the departure of its proven leadership. Based on the experience of recent years, the aim is to facilitate direct discussion of traffic problems between interested citizens and the city administration. The administration would also like to use this committee to explain matters of general interest relating to traffic (e.g. planned diversions
for major road construction projects, school route safety, cycle traffic, installation of speed display boards, speed measurements, traffic accidents, etc.).
All interested citizens of Radebeul are welcome to attend this event. We would like to ask you to let us know of your interest in good time so that we can invite you personally to the event. Any suggestions for topics should be submitted at least 3 weeks before the date of the event:
Radebeul Town Council
Legal and public order office
SG Traffic Matters
Pestalozzistraße 4, 01445 Radebeul
The traffic council is to take place four times a year.
This year, the following dates are planned: 2 April, 9 July, 10 September and 10 December. The venue is the consultation room of the Alte Post at Pestalozzistrasse 4, always starting at 5.00 pm.
Ingolf Zill,
Head of Department
Traffic matters