GEZ`still ?
GEZ` still ? Who is not annoyed by the constant increase in licence fees? In recent years there have been a number of scandals at the ARD and ZDF broadcasting organisations. Money has been wasted and in the upper echelons of management, posts have been shuffled back and forth, parties have been held at the expense of licence fee payers, expensive company cars have been bought and even their own salaries have been increased. The programme gets to the heart of the matter. The former GEZ, now the ARD/ZDF contribution service, indiscriminately raises fees when the KEF (Commission for the Determination of Financial Requirements) cries out for more money. Money ? For what ? For pensions, salaries, pensions of the many employees, some of whom have long since retired but are still skimming off the top. With around 46 million contributors, an increase of just a few cents adds up to quite a lot of money. And what do the broadcasters offer us? The wife asked her husband in bed at night what the film he was watching was called. He couldn't remember, but he could remember the adverts.
For tickets call: 0178 1873765 Anette PAuzl or 0178 1400530 Roland Dix
Person: Ticket price Price: 25
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01445 Radebeul
Kabarett "Die Raspel"
Gartenstraße 31
01156 Dresden
+49 0178 1400530