Extension of August-Bebel-Straße between Schiller- and Goethe-Straße

Spielplatz Apothekerpark
Meißner Straße
Speisesaal Lögy

Extension of August-Bebel-Straße between Schiller- and Goethestraße

August-Bebel-Straße zwischen Schillerstraße und Goethestraße vor Baumaßnahme

August-Bebel-Straße zwischen Schillerstraße und Goethestraße nach Baumaßnahme

Reason and objective Removal of winter damage, road and pavement construction
Planning INFRAPLAN MELIOR GMBH, independent consulting engineers, Dresden
Construction period March to May 2014
Construction work Hentschke Bau GmbH, Dresden
Construction costs: € 166,000
Proportionate allocation from the emergency road programme for winter damage repair