Animal diseases


Animal diseases

In this section, necessary short information / instructions / general orders to animal owners / citizens appear if the current situation requires it.

>>African swine fever (ASF) in the district of Meißen - restricted zones (as of 18 October 2021)

Please also use these links:

>> Meißen Veterinary Office

>> Animal disease control and animal health protection department at the Meißen Veterinary Office
(Animal disease control and prophylaxis, animal disease statistics and reporting, trade in animals and animal products, disposal of animal by-products (rendering), events involving animals, breeding hygiene, certification and recognition procedures, animal health service, hygiene of milk production and udder health, identification and registration of animals)

>> Animal welfare and veterinary drug monitoring
(Animal-friendly husbandry, animal and environmental hygiene, monitoring of laboratory animal husbandry and animal experiments, monitoring of animal transport, monitoring of the distribution of veterinary medicinal products in veterinary pharmacies and among animal owners, monitoring of the wholesale and retail trade in veterinary medicinal products, participation in the monitoring of the retail trade in medicinal products not intended for use in animals, animal welfare monitoring of the slaughter, stunning and killing of animals, feed hygiene)