"In the land of heroes" Holiday workshop for schoolchildren
School holiday offer with day workshops and subsequent exhibition in the Stadtgalerie Radebeul.
1st holiday week:
18.02. with the artist Sylvia Pasztor https://sylviapasztor.de/
19.02. with the artists Anita Rempe https://anitarempe.de/ and Heidrun Rueda https://poll-berlin.de/galerie/weitere-kuenstler/heidrun-rueda/biografie/
20.02. Making masks from recycled materials with Simone Schulz (fully booked)
10.00 to 15.00 hrs
2nd holiday week:
25.02. with the artist Simone Ghin https://ghinmalerei.de/
26.02. with the artist Sophie Cau https://www.sophiecau.com/ (fully booked)
27.02. Making masks from recycled materials with Simone Schulz
10.00 to 15.00 hrs
Closing event: 12.03.2025, 17.00 hrs
Exhibition period : 05.03.-12.03.2025
Information and registration via:
Local history centre Kötzschenbroda
The Kötzschenbroda local history parlour is located in the former outbuilding of a historic three-sided farmhouse. Although Radebeul has only existed in its present form since 1935, the history of this original community of the town dates back to the early 13th century.
Visitors can learn more about the history and everyday life of Kötzschenbroda over two floors and a total area of around 30 square metres.
Please book guided tours on: 0160 2357039 or 0351 8311 626/625
30.3.2025, at 4 pm Heimatstube Kötzschenbroda
Reading hour
On two levels with Jana and Steffen Berger interesting facts, curiosities, thought-provoking, historical, remarkable, critical and original items from the rich fund of literature about Kötzschenbroda.
A project of the AG Kötzschenbroda
"Local history evening with breakfast"
Contact: 0160-1038663
Opening hours:
Sun 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Tue/Mi/Thu 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm