Redevelopment area "Kötzschenbroda" (completed)

Wohnen am Weinberg
Sanierungsgebiet West
Sanierungsgebiet Ost

Redevelopment area "Kötzschenbroda" (completed)

The cancellation of the redevelopment statutes for the "Kötzschenbroda" redevelopment area on 1 July 2012 marked the end of 20 years of intensive redevelopment work in Altkötzschenbroda.

The guiding principle of the redevelopment in Altkötzschenbroda was to preserve the historic village centre and revitalise it as a residential and business location with a high quality of life.

The redevelopment area "Kötzschenbroda" in figures:

  • formally established: 01 March 1994
    Classic procedure
  • first extension: 01 December 2000
  • second extension: 01 May 2004
  • repealed: 01 July 2012
  • Size: 22.23 ha
  • Implementation period: 1994 - 2012
  • Total funding: €9,433,000 (1/3 each from federal, state and municipal funds), of which
    • approx. 5.89 million euros for public infrastructure and public needs
    • approx. 3.54 million euros for private properties

A look back at the development of the redevelopment area

On 15 October 1990, the town council decided to initiate preparatory investigations for redevelopment. The area to be analysed extended from the eastern village green with Oberschänke and Friedenskirche to the former shepherd's house at the western end and Kötitzer Straße, Elbstraße and Uferstraße down to the Elbe and the steamboat landing stage.

Redevelopment objectives were derived from a comprehensive analysis of the existing situation, including the state and structure of the buildings, ownership, population density and social structure as well as the qualities and deficiencies of the urban space.

The focus was to be on the modernisation of the existing buildings, careful treatment of the historical building fabric and the elimination of functional deficits.

On 1 March 1994, the Radebeul-Kötzschenbroda redevelopment area was formally established.

The decision set the following overarching objectives:

  • Preservation of the urban and village structure as well as the culturally and historically valuable building fabric
  • Renewal of buildings worthy of preservation, transport facilities and urban supply and disposal systems
  • Improvement of living conditions
  • Modernisation of housing and public facilities and infrastructure
  • Addition of open and green spaces as well as traffic facilities, especially for stationary traffic

The renewal concept for the redevelopment area was updated in 1997. Special development goals:

  • Preserve urban structures and buildings worthy of protection
  • Renew economic and commercial structures
  • To guide and support those affected

as well as specific development goals for various sub-areas.

An exemplary process of urban redevelopment began on the basis of the reorganisation concept. The old building structures in the centre of Kötzschenbroda were preserved through extensive repairs and modernisation, the removal of ruinous buildings and disruptive outbuildings.

The village green and the church square were redesigned as public urban spaces. Conflicting uses were eliminated, for example by relocating disruptive commercial operations that had a significant impact on the townscape. Environmental damage caused by soil contamination from a particularly polluting dry-cleaning business was also eliminated.

The social infrastructure was significantly improved by the establishment of several community and follow-up facilities. The kindergarten, the Familieninitative e.V. with its family centre and multi-generational house, the cultural office with its municipal gallery, municipal art collection and Kötzschenbroda Heimatstube, as well as the vicarage and church building with its accessible church tower are now important parts of active public life in Altkötzschenbroda.

Today, the Altkötzschenbroda village green is a modern and functional residential and business location and offers its visitors an interesting tourist attraction.

The redevelopment objectives - modernisation and restoration of the typical building fabric of the area, in particular the listed buildings, functional upgrading of the area and the establishment of community and ancillary facilities - have been successfully achieved.