Election of lay judges

Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Aldermen and juvenile aldermen wanted

In the first half of 2023, the lay judges for the term of office 2024 to 2028 will be elected nationwide.

Citizens of the city of Radebeul who would like to take on the honorary office of a lay judge in adult criminal cases for the above-mentioned period can apply to the city administration from now until 31 March 2023.

We are looking for applicants who live in the city of Radebeul and who will be 25 years of age on 1 January 2024 but not yet 70 years of age, who live in Radebeul at least at the time the list of candidates is drawn up, who have the ability to hold public office, who have not been sentenced to more than six months' imprisonment for an intentional offence or who are under investigation for a serious criminal offence that could result in the loss of the ability to hold public office.

Persons should not be appointed to the office of lay judge if they are unfit in terms of health or have fallen into financial difficulties, if they have violated the principles of humanity or the rule of law or if they are unsuitable due to their activity as a full-time or unofficial employee of the State Security Service of the former GDR.

People working full-time in or for the judiciary (judges, lawyers, police officers, probation officers, prison officers, etc.) and religious ministers should also not be appointed as lay judges.

The application form is available at the information centre in the historic town hall building and at the Legal and Public Order Office.

Alderman application form
Application form for youth magistrate
Declaration of application

Please send your application for the office of lay judge to:

Municipality of Radebeul
Legal and Public Order Office
Pestalozzistrasse 4
01445 Radebeul
or to
to Mrs Scheibler or Mrs Böhme
Telephone 0351 8311 716 or 712

Office hours:

Monday and Friday from 09:00 to 12:00
Tuesday and Thursday from 09:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 18:00
As well as by appointment

If you would like to be appointed as a youth magistrate, please send your application to the youth welfare office of the district of Meißen.