Radebeul cultural railway station


Radebeul cultural railway station

The former station building of Radebeul-Ost railway station is the centrepiece of a sustainable redevelopment concept with which the city of Radebeul has developed the district and brought new life to the centre. Directly connected to the historic narrow-gauge railway and local public transport, the Art Nouveau building has been home to an adventure library and the adult education centre since 2013 and has offered a diverse and multifaceted programme of events ever since. In 2019, the city of Radebeul, the municipal library, the Radebeul Family Centre with the "Mitte Ost" project and the adult education centre set out to turn the Radebeul Kultur-Bahnhof into a >> third place. Together, they want to create a place where people can meet, feel good, discover and learn. Here you can experience readings, concerts, cinema, puppet theatre and inspiring exhibitions or get creative yourself. This also includes the attractive outdoor area, where dance and music events such as the Fête de la musique take place in summer.

Contact for hiring the Kulturhalle


  • Räumlichkeiten sind stufenlos erreichbar und zugänglich.
  • Türbreite mindestens 90 cm.
  • Behindertengerechte Toilette: Ja
  • Behindertenparkplätze: Ja, 1
  • Verkehrsanbindung: Bus-Haltestelle direkt vor dem Gebäude (ca. 30 m)
  • Verkehrsanbindung: S-Bahn-Haltepunkt direkt hinter dem Gebäude (ca. 30 m - Bahnhof mit Fahrstuhl)
  • Verkehrsanbindung: Straßenbahn - Zinsendorfstraße oder Hauptstraße (ca. 500 m) - Linie 4