
Blick auf Radebeul

Declaration on accessibility

The city administration of Radebeul endeavours to make its websites,,,,, accessible without barriers.

The legal basis for this is the Disability Equality Act (BGG), the Saxon Inclusion Act (SächsInklusG), the Saxon E-Government Act (SächsEGovG) and the Act on the Implementation of Directive (EU) 2016/2102 on Barrier-free Access to the Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Bodies (Barrier-free Websites Act - BfWebG).

The benchmark for accessibility is the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 at level AA, which were published as a W3C Recommendation (Web Standard) (criteria of the European standard EN 301 549, version 2.1.2) and the further developed BITV 2.0 (Barrier-free Information Technology Ordinance).

The websites are currently not fully compliant with the technical requirements of the BITV 2.0 regulation. Our code base is regularly revised in order to further improve the accessibility of the site.

Some of the following content is only accessible to a limited extent:

  • embedded videos

This declaration was created on 15 January 2021 This statement was last updated on 30 August 2023

Contact us

If you notice any barriers to our website or require information on content that is not yet accessible, please send us an e-mail. We will endeavour to reply as quickly as possible.


Voluntary representative for the disabled

Ansprechpartnerin: Frau Seidel
Hauptstraße 4
01445 Radebeul
0351 8311-810 (nur während der Sprechzeit)
Dienstag jeden 1. des Monats
  von 10.00 - 12.00 Uhr

und nach Vereinbarung

im Amt für Bildung, Jugend und Soziales, Hauptstraße 4, Erdgeschoss, Zimmer 0.09