
Vacancies in refugee social work/ Donation status 05.04.2022


Job vacancies at the Moritzburg production school

In its social work with refugees, the Moritzburg Production School accompanies and supports families or individuals with a migration background who are housed in decentralised flats or shared accommodation. It offers asylum seekers individual counselling, provides orientation, informs and supports them in their integration.

Donation status

The donation balance as of 05/04/2022 is €106,051.18.

Donation account for Radebeul's twin town Obukhiv:

Municipality of Radebeul
Sparkasse Meißen
IBAN: DE97 8505 5000 3100 0031 00
Purpose: "831000 Emergency aid Ukraine and Obukhiv"

As these are donations for disaster relief, a donation receipt to the donors is not required. Proof of payment is sufficient for submission to the tax office. Should donors nevertheless wish to receive a donation receipt, they can request this at , stating their full address.

To cope with the increased workload, we are looking for

- Local integration coordinator (m/f/d)

- Refugee social work (m/f/d)