Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Shop window campaign in Radebeul-Ost


  • Dieser Spruch ist am Fenster der Tourist-Information zu sehen

The campaign was actually supposed to take place as part of Women's Day on 8 March. However, due to the poor weather conditions, it was not possible to start illustrating the shop windows until a week later.

The "shop window campaign" on Hauptstraße was the idea of the neighbourhood manager of Radebeul-Ost, Sabine Luft. Last year, the "Easter walk" already adorned the shop windows in Radebeul-Ost. Together with Katja Kulisch, Equal Opportunities Officer for the city of Radebeul, and illustrator Franka Strangfeld, the campaign was organised this year.

This year, sayings by women took centre stage. The palette ranges from Coco Chanel to Pippi Longstocking, but Radebeul women such as Anita Benicke from the Radebeu branch of the German Child Protection Association have also contributed.

Once again this year, there is a competition: one letter from the slogan is green. These letters result in a solution word, read from the top of the main street to the bottom of the main street. The prizes include a city encyclopaedia of Radebeul. Please submit the solution word by the end of April in the salon of hairdresser and district manager Sabine Luft on Hauptstraße.