Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Invitation to the citizens' trip to St. Ingbert


This year, the Saarland town of St. Ingbert and the city of Radebeul are celebrating the 35th anniversary of their town twinning. For this reason, the town twinning committee is organising a citizens' trip to St. Ingbert from 25 to 28 August 2023.

A coach has been chartered by the town twinning committee for the trip, and rooms have been reserved in advance at the Hotel Stern in St. Ingbert for the overnight stays. The cost of accommodation is €105 per night in a double room and €85.50 per night in a single room.

On Saturday, 26 August 2023, a joint excursion to Trier is planned under local guidance, and on Sunday, 27 August 2023, we will get to know the surroundings of St. Ingbert better.

Information and registration at and by calling 0351 8309367

We look forward to welcoming many participants.

Dirk Bachmann,
Chairman of the Town Twinning Committee Radebeul e.V