Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Installation of siren sites


In order to increase the effectiveness of the population warning in the event of an incident, four siren sites will be set up in the city of Radebeul. The sirens will be installed on the buildings of the branch of the Lößnitzgymnasium (Pestalozzistraße 3), the Gymnasium Luisenstift (Straße der Jugend 3), the primary school Radebeul-Naundorf (Bertheltstraße 10) and the main building of the Lößnitzgymnasium Radebeul (Steinbachstraße 21).

Sirens are well suited to alerting people within a large radius of imminent danger. They are used to warn the population and alert the fire brigade. A one-minute, rising and falling wailing tone is usually used to warn the population and a one-minute, constant wailing tone is used to sound the all-clear. Based on these tones, the people being warned can obtain more detailed information from other sources such as radio, warning apps or websites.