Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Evaluation of spring cleaning in Radebeul 2023


A big thank you goes to all the volunteers who took part in the Radebeul spring cleaning campaign on 1 April 2023.

The areas cleaned included Waldstraße/Augustusweg, Forststraße, Kroatengrund, Wilhelm-Eichler-Straße/Lindenweg, Weintraubenstraße, Am Gottesacker, Kötzschenbrodaer-Str./Elbwiesen ggü. Kaufland, Gradsteg/Altkötzschenbroda, An der Festwiese and car parks, Augustusweg/Höhe Kinderarche, Elbwiesen and Elbradweg towards Niederwarthaer-Brücke, Schildenstraße/Neubrunnstraße, Zitzschewig railway embankment between Meißner-Straße and the edge of the forest.

The hard-working helpers (adults and children of all ages) collected around 580 kilos of rubbish and the 10 cubic metre skip container was filled almost to the brim.

It is unbelievable what ends up in the countryside or is disposed of illegally, even though there are sufficient and mostly free disposal services provided by the waste disposal authorities.

Bulky waste (furniture, carpets, mattresses), household and small waste, garden residues, plastic waste, paper waste, scrap metal, bicycle parts, tyres, cigarette butts, crown corks and countless schnapps pullovers and broken glass were collected.

There were also numerous dog waste bags.

Here is an appeal to all dog owners: please do not dispose of the dog waste bags in the countryside, even if the dog faeces is biodegradable. The plastic bags decompose very badly and pollute the soil and groundwater.

We should all realise that our environment must be treated with care if it is to remain beautiful for our children and grandchildren.

Citizens who thoughtlessly litter the countryside should remember this.

Thanks again to all the hard-working helpers and maybe we'll see you next year!